Negative Space Logo: American Institute of Architects Center

Ivanah Alexandre

American Institute of Architects Center, by Pentagram.

This logo used positive and negative space very nicely. The viewer can recognize that the positive space is made to resemble a key and the negative space is meant to resemble a city skyline. The company that uses this logo is called American Institute of Architects Center. So the logo is relevant to the business as both a key and buildings have to do with architecture. I have however seen more creative uses of positive and negative space that better illustrate the purpose of a company. Like I could easily mistake this logo for a city based real estate company logo. However, architecture may be a harder concept to illustrate.

One Comment

  1. I really like this logo because they took two different ideas and objects and were able to merge them together in a perfect way that the objects are barely altered they look the exact same. In the key instead of the little grooves that are unique to every key it is the cities silhouette. I thin k this design was very creative and makes a great and works really well for an architecture logo.



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