John Maeda

Ayannah Newton

John Maeda | Morisawa 10 Poster | 1996

John Maeda is a contemporary graphic designer. He is also an author, scholar, and computer scientist. His work mainly focuses on exploring the point where design, technology, and business come together. Maeda serves as a pioneer in interactive motion graphics. His work is considered groundbreaking in a way that it explores and alters the fundamentals of design. Maeda has written a number of books about design, however his book The Laws of Simplicity, is considered to be a landmark in the graphic design world. The book explores how to ‘need less but get more’ using ten laws for balancing both the complexity and simplicity within design, business, and technology. A portion of his work, including the above design, is stored in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

John Maeda | The Laws of Simplicity

View more of his work stored at the MoMA here:

One Comment

  1. I really like this artist. Maeda’s work focused on three different types of design:
    classical design, design thinking, and computational design. His Classical design are one of my favorites. they refers to a more traditional style. It’s the oldest type of design, dating back centuries. It’s the “right way” to design, the way we’re taught in schools today.



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