Kyösti Varis

Kyösti Varis is a graphic designer born in Finland. He created this poster named “Your Lifemeter” in 1971.

Kyösti Varis started his career by getting basic training in some printing houses in Finland and Germany. This is what originally fueled the spark to a successful career. Over time, Varis has gained a ton of traction and received countless awards, one being The Graphic Designer Of The Year in 2002.

“Your Lifemeter” represents the effects of cigarettes on your health the more you smoke them. The clever simple design sends a moving message to all that encounter. The numbers counting down by tens on the cigarette display the years disintergrating off of your life the more puffs taken. The combination of the bold title, black background, and simplistic design makes for a straight forward, in your face poster. During this time period cigarettes were more accepted than they are today, and to some the effects were unclear. This message put this life threatening addiction/hobby into perspective for the world to see.

You can find more information about Kyösti Varis’ life and artwork here:

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