Creative Work viewing sites

Every creative practitioner interested in visual communications might benefit from Creative Hotlist. It allows you to search for employment by keyword, region, skills, experience, and industry, and it also allows you to develop and submit an online portfolio. The website is simple and easy to use, and it provides a specialized service to students, who can build their own profiles and promote their work.

this work is made by a graphic designer by the name Gregory Izzo. he does designs for drink companies and anything that is basically liquid stuff. here we see he has designed a package for a ice tea company. the use of color and illustrations are great.


Covid Information Design

I choose this covid info graphic because it relates to recent cases and occurrences that is happening in our lives. here we see the countries and the amount of cases that has happened in it. it very graphic and still very readable. we see drawings of what looks like covid virus in an animated form in the background.

this is the link to the site.

Seymour Chwast: Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle


Seymour defined what graphic design and being a graphic designer meant in the twentieth century, creating graphics that not only looked amazing, but also communicated a message that might be anything from a light-hearted remark on design to an anti-smoking billboard. As seen by a terrific new online resource, the Seymour Chwast archive, his much-imitated graphic and illustration style still stands up well today. Chwast chose Roscoe Conkling “Fatty” Arbuckle, a silent cinema actor and comic who was allegedly accused of rapping and killing actress Virginia Rape, for “The Dark Side Of Good People” issue. this art shows two sides of the poster where in the first page the man has a nice pleasant interface and then the second poster has a darker side to it.

Graphics For Design Poster 1 Alvin

I chose the poster by the artist Barbara Kruger rose. The art is titled “Your body is a battleground,”. This art was made in 1989. Kruger’s art, which has appeared on billboards, bus cards, posters, and railway station platforms, as well as in parks and other public areas, is infused with a strong sense of social involvement. “Your body is a battleground” emphasizes how the fight for freedom of choice differs from political conflicts. Mostly the battleground which is our body gets the results rather than how society perceives it. So when women are being told to do stuff with their body, for example, abortions, people have their own opinions but the real fact is that no matter what happens, people are not ones experiencing the results but rather the women going through it.