Many readers will look at a photo first as it can be eye catching to the reader like this first spread from national geographic. For many National Geographic readers, they are interested in the natural beauty that is our world. The spread above as you can see shows lava overflowing and spilling over the edge. What is amazing about photos like this one, it is considered a dangerous task as you travel to these locations to capture the best photo to share with others who do not have that experience of seeing it in person. Although the photo is fascinating, a text must include facts about this location and what it took to travel there. The writers did a good job with the title of the spread, along with the location, and dates included in the text. They also changed the boldness, color, and font of certain words or letters within the text.

National Geographic has been a company that is well known for their journeys to places that are hard to reach for the normal photographer or human. Their journeys take days, weeks, or years to prepare and accomplish. NAT GEO is known for their front cover which includes their yellow outline around the page as it is a color that stands out when looking through magazines. Next they have their name in the cover with an incredible image of either nature, people, or certain locations.

I really enjoy looking at natural magazines like National Geographic as I have an interest in traveling to a few national parks after I graduate. They do an amazing job at keeping the reader interested and engaged in their spreads as they are images that are taken in real locations, with a camera, and at times in terrible conditions.

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