Apple Logo

The Apple Logo was created by Rob Janoff in 1977. It’s easily one of the most recognizable logos today. The use of black and white makes the positive and negative space pop. At first glance most wouldn’t realize the technicality of such a simple logo, but when looked at deeper the design becomes genius. The bite out of the apple is perfectly placed and blended into the background with negative space. Rob Janoff has create a ton of other famous logos to date, here is a link to his site:

One Comment

  1. Hello! Yes, the apple logo is truly an iconic and uber recognizable logo. I admire it’s simplicity. I’ve read that the apple and the bite represents the story of Adam and Eve, who bit from the apple of knowledge. Supposedly, using apple products will allow us to gain knowledge. I’ve seen different versions of the the logo where they use the bite to make bite marks that resembles Steve Jobs’ facial profile. Being that the design is so simple the brand is able to dress it up for different occasions. Notably, during pride month I see the logo in rainbow.



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