Shigeo Fukuda

Fukuda was commissioned to make posters for Earth Day. This piece with three other pieces were made, but this one is the most popular design. This piece was named “1982 Happy Earth Day”.

Shigeo Fukuda was a celebrated sculptor, poster designer and graphic artist of the twentieth century. Fukuda was born to a toy manufacturing family on February 14, 1932 in Tokyo, Japan. Fukuda expressed interest the minimalist swiss style of graphic design. This occurred at the end of the Second World War. He got his education in designing at the National University of Fine Arts and Music. He graduated in 1956. His work was first recognized and gained attention at a Czechoslovakian graphic design competition. His interest in illusionism started in the 1960’s. He wrote a column on visual magic for a Japanese newspaper. HIs column was named “Have you see The Dragon?” and there he would make bi-monthly features on illusionism. Fukuda made many pieces around his advocacy for pacifism and environmentalism. He cared more about the social impact than the commercialism of his pieces. He died of a heart attack in 2009.

You can find more information on Shigeo Fukuda on these websites:

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